
Latest installers for Subtitld are available

<p>Download the Windows installer from the following link:</p> <p><a href="">Windows installers</a></p> <h2>Instructions to install on Windows</h2> <h3>1. Download the installer</h3> <p>You can download the installer directly from the builds area of <a href=""></a>:</p> <p>Your browser will download the installer.</p> <p><img alt="Browser downloading the installer" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <p>When the download is finished, you can open the installer.</p> <p><img alt="Open the downloaded installer" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <h3>2. Run the installer</h3> <p>The following dialog will appear.</p> <p><img alt="Dialog saying that the installer is unsigned" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <p>You can click on "More Info" link and click on the button "Run anyway".</p> <p><img alt="Dialog saying that the installer is unsigned" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <p>If you already have Subtitld installed, this dialog will ask if you want to uninstall the previous version.</p> <p><img alt="Dialog asking if the user want to uninstall the previous version" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <p>The first step in the installation is reading the information on the screen and clicking on "Install" button.</p> <p><img alt="First screen of the installer" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p> <p>Then, after the installation is completed, you can click on the "Close" button.</p> <p><img alt="First screen of the installer" src="/user/pages/04.install/" /></p>